Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nose to the grindstone

Well, it's Monday here, and Mondays are particularly "Mondayish" when you don't have a weekend before them, or even one weekend day! We're definitely putting in all our work and hours now so that we will be ready in another week. We had practice this am already, and then after lunch we'll head back to the pool for another session.

But even despite the work, it is still incredible to be here and to have this experience. We love checking the NBC website or the news to see how our team-mates are doing back in Beijing. Michael Phelps has already won 2 medals I hear! And our routines are getting better every day. Stephane said that our tech swim today was the best he's seen yet! Not bad for the end of a 4 hour practice! And tonight we're going to a really popular and delicious Korean BBQ restaurant which I'm looking forward to. If you've never had Korean BBQ, you simply must go! It is amazing!!

I hope everyone back home is doing well, and again I can't thank you enough for the comments and emails. I look forward to blogging every day just so I can ready them!!!


Marlon Falcon said...

Hey there,
Here you have the links to the pictures with Mr. Bush before the opening ceremony (you wrote about these pics, maybe you wanted to post them?)



EllsInCT said...

Hi Janet - This is John Ell and family from CT, your Aunt Joyce's third son. We are here on Martha's Vineyard visiting my mom, and everyday we love reading your blog and your amazing adventure. We wish you all the best and know that everyone here is rooting for you! Best of luck!!!!

michele said...

And what a great party it will be!!!!I am so happy for all of you, enjoying your strenuous, but wonderful bonding experience. Let everyone know we are thinking of you always!!! Go USA!!! Love to you all, Michele

michele said...

And what a great party it will be!!! I'm so happy for all of you to be enjoying your strenuous, but wonderful bonding experiences. Let everyone know I am thinking of you. Go USA, Love to you all, Michele

Unknown said...

We're cousins to Sarah L.She sent us your Blog. It's GREAT!! Thank you SO much for writing & telling us about your experiences. We're hoping to see you on T.V. We live in S.J.,too. We're rooting for you!!Janel